Posts by A Million Voices

Donec elementum augue vitae

Donec elementum augue vitae

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum augue vitae mauris accumsan, eu ultrices nisi luctus. Vivamus iaculis...


A Million Voices has just released its first public newsletter. If you want to read more about what we have...

Month of Self-Development

In May we held weekly sessions for all of our scholars with focus on the understanding of one’s emotions and...

Team Building Outing

Team building may be defined as “the use of different types of team interventions that are aimed at enhancing social...

Holiday Celebration in Ocean Adventure

A little delayed, but we can finally show how much fun the scholars and scholar families had last December when...

Graduation from Elementary School

On March 24 and March 27 another milestone was celebrated as five of our scholars graduated Elementary School. It was...

Holiday Food Basket

Even though A Million Voices is non-religious and our beneficiaries come from different religious backgrounds, the month of December does...

Outing to a Water Park

Summer season means swimming and water sports. In other words, the summer season means FUN! Whenever it reaches this time...

Graduation from Elementary School

Congratulations to our three graduating scholars! It was a proud moment when the hard working elementary school students could finally...

Got Some Time on Your Hands?

If you do, why not check out if you could become part of our wonderful team of volunteers? It does...