Run for fun (and to reach your dreams)

A Million Voices (AMV) and Enshored conducted the first Fun Run for AMV scholars and Enshored employees to share experiences...

Enjoy our introduction video

The New Board of A Million Voices Norway

July 2 of 2016 marked the start of renewed A Million Voices Norway – with six new members joining the board....

Newsletter – January to April, 2016

A Million Voices has just released its second public newsletter. If you want to read more about what we have been...

Scholar Development

Haven’t yet decided if you would like to become a Scholarship Sponsor? Take a look at this picture of some...

Morbi non ante lorem lacinia sagittis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum augue vitae mauris accumsan, eu ultrices nisi luctus. Vivamus iaculis...

Magna ipsum eleifend velit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum augue vitae mauris accumsan, eu ultrices nisi luctus. Vivamus iaculis...

Donec elementum augue vitae

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum augue vitae mauris accumsan, eu ultrices nisi luctus. Vivamus iaculis...


A Million Voices has just released its first public newsletter. If you want to read more about what we have...

Month of Self-Development

In May we held weekly sessions for all of our scholars with focus on the understanding of one’s emotions and...

Team Building Outing

Team building may be defined as “the use of different types of team interventions that are aimed at enhancing social...

Holiday Celebration in Ocean Adventure

A little delayed, but we can finally show how much fun the scholars and scholar families had last December when...

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