Special Visit of Scholarship Sponsors in Manila

As part of its scholarship program, some of the scholarship students have their very own tita/tito, or as it would be called in English “aunt/uncle”. The titas or titos are key players in the scholarship support for the students and they often have the chance to communicate with the students through letters.

Occasionally titas/titos visit the Philippines and also takes the time to meet their scholarship student. This March, as many as three students were able to meet the people who generously supports their schooling. One of these met none other than the Mayor of Arendal, Mrs. Torill Larsen. Mrs. Larsen was on a personal visit to the country, but did not hesitate to pay a visit to the AMV office to meet her scholarship student.

During the visit all the scholar students had their own presentations about the Philippines and different topics special to the country. In addition the ladies of the baking course showed the visitors how to bake cocoroons. In their very own ways they managed to bring forward the essence of the Philippine culture.

Also, during the visit of another tito the scholarship students were in for a treat to the local amusement park. It was a fun-filled day for all of them and a special celebration of their good school work and last days of school before the summer vacation.